Wednesday 1 October 2014

New to the Library today

Here's some new books we bought recently.


You can find them at the new books display or on the book shelves at the shelfmarks indicated.


'Willful Ignorance: the Mismeasure of Uncertainty'
(by Herbert. I. Weisberg, 2014). Shelfmark EHM.7
'An original account of how wilful ignorance underlies modern probability theory and statistical methods.. through a series of colorful stories about great thinkers and the problems they chose to solve, the author traces the historical evolution of probability and explains how statistical methods have helped to propel scientific research. However, the past success of statistics has depended on necessary simplification amounting to willful ignorance, and this very success now threatens future advances'.



'Partnerships for Women's Health; Striving for Best Practice within the UN Global Compact' (by Martina Timmerman, Monika Kruesmann, 2009). Shelfmark ZVP.W.119
'Every minute, at least one woman dies from pregnancy or childbirth complications while twenty more suffer injury, infection, or disease. Despite medical advances and years of national and international policy declarations, this tragic situation remains particularly severe in developing countries. This book draws together insights and experiences of development practitioners, policymakers, academic experts, and private sector partners to describe the Women's Health Initiative (WHI). A public-private partnership based in India, the WHI took a new approach to solving the apparently intractable problem of poor women's health. The observations and analyses in this volume describe how the WHI implemented a project that would make a real difference in women's lives, while meeting private sector commercial goals. By opening the project to independent assessment, the WHI articulated new standards for best practice in publicprivate partnership, including such issues as communications, objective setting, ongoing partnership management, and real health outcomes. While helping the WHI grow and expand to other regions, these standards can also inform and shape other effective public-private partnerships in the future.'




 'Doing a Systematic Review:  A Student's Guide' (ed. Boland et al, 2014). Shelfmark ZV.127

'If you are a Master's or a PhD student  conducting a systematic review for your dissertation or thesis, then this is the book for you!...the authors make extensive use of questions posed by real students when carrying out reviews to help you through some of the challenges you may face'.



Introduction to Global Health, 2nd edition
(by Kathryn H. Jacobsen, 2014). Shelfmark SO.135

'addresses all the key issues of global health.. readers will come away with a clear understanding of the biological and social aspects of major global health issues...with a new chapter on chronic disease and aging, and a new chapter on addressing health issues during humanitarian crises'.



Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 3rd ed. 2014
(by Brian.A.Magown, Phillip Owen, Andrew Thomson) Shelfmark UW.53.3

'Wherever you study or practise obstetrics and gynaecology, a sound knowledge of the clinical aspects will underpin your understanding of the specialty and maximise your ability to make a difference to the care of women and babies. This edition provides a grounding and framework for handling clinical problems in obstetrics and gynaecology'

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