Friday, 17 October 2014

Jeremy Jolly, Dickson D.Despommier et al..... New book stock today....

Feigin and Cherry's Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
(7th edition, 2013)

Shelfmark UX.176.7.2

Feigin and Cherry's Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases helps you put the very latest knowledge to work for your young patients with unparalleled coverage of everything from epidemiology, public health, and preventive medicine through clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and much more. Ideal for all physicians, whether in an office or hospital setting, Feigin and Cherry's equips you with trusted answers to your most challenging clinical infectious disease questions. Meet your most difficult clinical challenges in pediatric infectious disease, including today's more aggressive infectious and resistant strains as well as emerging and re-emerging diseases, with unmatched, comprehensive coverage of immunology, epidemiology, public health, preventive medicine, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and much more. Find the answers you need quickly thanks to an organization both by organ system and by etiologic microorganism, allowing you to easily approach any topic from either direction. Search the complete text and download all of the images online at Expert Consult. Implement the latest knowledge on cutting-edge topics with coverage of new developments in novel viral infections, expanding bacterial resistance, evaluation of immunocompromised hosts, invasive fungal infections, device-related infections, global travel medicine, neglected tropical diseases, and much more. Stay at the forefront of the pediatric infectious disease field through continuing and extensive updates on antibiotic resistance, novel therapeutics, and new molecular techniques in laboratory diagnosis. Recognize under which circumstances the use of diagnostic imaging is most appropriate and know the efficient diagnosis for infectious diseases. Your purchase entitles you to access the web site until the next edition is published, or until the current edition is no longer offered for sale by Elsevier, whichever occurs first. If the next edition is published less than one year after your purchase, you will be entitled to online access for one year from your date of purchase. Elsevier reserves the right to offer a suitable replacement product (such as a downloadable or CD-ROM-based electronic version) should access to the web site be discontinued.


Color Atlas & Synopsis of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
 (3rd edition, 2011)

Shelfmark UTU.26.3

'An unmatched collection of full-color clinical images of common and rare sexually transmitted diseases More than 200 full-color photographs From the author's extensive private collection of clinical photographs comes the latest edition of this classic atlas of sexually transmitted diseases. The third edition of Color Atlas & Synopsis of Sexually Transmitted Diseases offers a succinct outline presentation that features color photographs for each disorder, accompanied by a concise overview of epidemiology, clinical manifestations, the physical examination, diagnosis and management, and prevention. Coverage of each condition includes one more clinical case studies. Color Atlas & Synopsis of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 3e includes about twenty percent new photographs, and the text has been entirely rewritten to include the latest information on epidemiology and treatment. A new chapter reviews the global epidemiology of HIV and AIDS as well as other STDs, and the chapter on HIV and AIDS has been substantially expanded. You will also find an important overview section on the clinical approach to patients with STDs. While written primarily for the clinician, it is an excellent resource for patient education and for nonprofessionals interested in STDs. This unique atlas covers: Bacterial sexually transmitted diseases Viral sexually transmitted diseases Clinical syndromes An outstanding clinical guide to confirm your next diagnosis and a quick source of up-to-date information on tests and treatment, Color Atlas & Synopsis of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 3e offers a collection of images that cannot be duplicated in print or online.'


Infection & Immunity

by John Playfair & Gregory Bancroft (4th edition, 2013)

Shelfmark HW.39.4
Our immune system is a complex network of cells continually battling against a barrage of attacks from our environment, quite literally to save our lives. But what protects us from the potentially life-threatening microorganisms that surround us every day? In the lucid, accessible style for which John Playfair is renowned, and together with Greg Bancroft, an expert in infectious diseases, Infection and Immunity explains how our immune system defends us. The authors describe the main causes of infection that our bodies have to battle against - from bacteria to viruses, fungi to protozoa - and explains the intricate and fascinating ways in which we respond, from detection of potentially dangerous organisms to their ultimate elimination - sometimes, unfortunately, suffering new pathological symptoms in the process. Presenting a fully-rounded, well-balanced overview of the field, the book also explains how diseases spread, and what measures we can take to control this spread - from vaccination to increasing awareness through public health initiatives. With examples of infectious diseases from across the world, Infection and Immunity is the ideal text for biomedical science, bioscience, and microbiology students who need to understand the basics of what causes infection, and how our immune systems respond. Online Resource Centre The Online Resource Centre to accompany the book features: For students: * Multiple choice questions to check your understanding as you progress through the text For registered adopters of the book: * Figures from the book, ready to download

First Aid Manual (10th edition, 2014)

Shelfmark VUF.4.10
Updated 10th edition: includes updates to first aid for choking infants. The First Aid Manual is the UK's only fully authorised first aid guide, endorsed by St John Ambulance, St Andrew's First Aid and the British Red Cross and packed with step-by-step first aid advice. Used as the official training manual for the UK's leading first aid organisations' courses, the bestselling First Aid Manual covers all aspects of first aid, from emergency first aid and first aid for babies and children, to resuscitation. Find out how to treat over 100 different conditions from splinters and sprained ankles to strokes and unconsciousness and how to use essential equipment. Step-by-step photography, all shot in-situ to reflect real-life issues, shows you what to do in any situation. The ideal first aid book for you and your family, keep the First Aid Manual handy; it could be a life-saver. (Previous edition ISBN 9781405362146).

Introducing Research and Evidence-Based Practice for
 Nursing and Healthcare Professionals, by Jeremy Jolley
(2nd edition, 2013)

Shelfmark RX.AW.11.2
 Research can seem difficult to get to grips with. However, at the heart of this book is the view that research is essentially a simple activity, the principles of which can be readily understood by students new to the subject. Each chapter guides the reader to uncover the 'mysteries' of research, exposing each aspect in turn, while demonstrating how research in healthcare is a practical activity, orientated directly to patient care. Fully updated to refer to the latest sources and studies, this book now includes: * Two new chapters on qualitative research, clearly explaining what it is and how to do it * A comprehensive glossary of qualitative and quantitative terms to demystify tricky terminology * An appendix of statistical tests, explaining the procedures for each * Many new examples from practice, applying the theory to a wide range of scenarios from across the healthcare professions This book is designed for all students of nursing and allied health professions studying research for the first time. Research is illustrated through examples of activities familiar to students from their daily lives, helping to build confidence in undertaking research and evidence-based practice.

People, Parasites & Plowshares: learning from our body's
most terrifying invaders, by Dickson D.Despommier (2013)

Shelfmark L.179

Dickson D. Despommier's vivid, visceral account of the biology, behavior, and history of parasites follows the interplay between these fascinating life forms and human society over thousands of years. Despommier focuses on long-term host-parasite associations, which have evolved to avoid or even subvert the human immune system. Some parasites do great damage to their hosts, while others have signed a kind of "peace treaty" in exchange for their long lives within them. Many parasites also practice clever survival strategies that medical scientists hope to mimic as they search for treatments for Crohn's disease, food allergies, type 1 diabetes, organ transplantation, and other medical challenges. Despommier concentrates on particularly remarkable and often highly pathogenic organisms, describing their lifecycles and the mechanisms they use to avoid elimination. He details their attack and survival plans and the nature of the illnesses they cause in general terms, enabling readers of all backgrounds to steal a glimpse into the secret work of such effective invaders. He also points to the cultural contexts in which these parasites thrive and reviews the current treatments available to defeat them. Encouraging scientists to continue to study these organisms even if their threat is largely contained, Despommier shows how closer dissection of the substances parasites produce to alter our response to them could help unravel some of our most complex medical conundrums.


Handbook of Web Surveys, by Jelke Bethlehem
& Silvia Biffignandi (2011)

Shelfmark ZV.AT.67
Handbook of Web Surveys presents a self-contained guide to methodological issues related to web surveys, covering both theoretical and practical aspects of the topic. The book first approaches the subject of web survey design, addressing the main question: How can an electronic questionnaire be designed such that respondents can complete it on the Internet without introducing (too many) errors? The second portion of the book is devoted to sampling issues and helping readers understanding how proper samples for web surveys can be selected to allow for unbiased estimation of population characteristics. The authors also explore the topics of under-coverage, self-selection, adjustment weighting, and propensity scores as they pertain to effective web survey development. Each chapter follows the same easy-to-follow format. Following an introduction, a description of theory is presented along with key formulae. Next, the discussed theory is applied to a real data set and accompanied with illustrative descriptions. Example sets and exercises are spread throughout each chapter, and a summary provides a brief overview of main points and concepts. Real data is used throughout the book, and a related Web site features additional data sets, interactive simulations, and solutions to exercises.

Internet Society by Maria Bakardjieva (2005)

Shelfmark AHX.22

Examines how people interpret, domesticate and creatively appropriate the Internet by integrating it into the projects and activities of their everyday lives. This book examines the evolution of the Internet into a mass medium and interrogates what users make of this communication medium.


Introduction to Research Methods and Data Analysis in the Health Sciences by Gareth Hagger-Johnson

Shelfmark ZV.AT.66

Whilst the 'health sciences' are a broad and diverse area, and includes public health, primary care, health psychology, psychiatry and epidemiology, the research methods and data analysis skills required to analyse them are very similar. Moreover, the ability to appraise and conduct research is emphasised within the health sciences - and students are expected increasingly to do both. Introduction to Research Methods and Data Analysis in the Health Sciences presents a balanced blend of quantitative research methods, and the most widely used techniques for collecting and analysing data in the health sciences. Highly practical in nature, the book guides you, step-by-step, through the research process, and covers both the consumption and the production of research and data analysis. Divided into the three strands that run throughout quantitative health science research - critical numbers, critical appraisal of existing research, and conducting new research - this accessible textbook introduces: Descriptive statistics Measures of association for categorical and continuous outcomes Confounding, effect modification, mediation and causal inference Critical appraisal Searching the literature Randomised controlled trials Cohort studies Case-control studies Research ethics and data management Dissemination and publication Linear regression for continuous outcomes Logistic regression for categorical outcomes. A dedicated companion website offers additional teaching and learning resources for students and lecturers, including screenshots, R programming code, and extensive self-assessment material linked to the book's exercises and activities. Clear and accessible with a comprehensive coverage to equip the reader with an understanding of the research process and the practical skills they need to collect and analyse data, it is essential reading for all undergraduate and postgraduate students in the health and medical sciences.


Biomolecular Information Processing: from logic systems to smart sensors and actuators by Evgeny Katz

Shelfmark BJT.51

Edited by a renowned and much cited chemist, this book covers the whole span of molecular computers that are based on biomolecules. The contributions by all the major scientists in the field provide an excellent overview of the latest developments in this rapidly expanding area. A must-have for all researchers working on this very hot topic. Perfectly complements Molecular and Supramolecular Information Processing , also by Prof. Katz. Both volumes together are available as a two-volume set as well.


Medical Statistics Made Easy by M.Harris & G.Taylor

Shelfmark EH.130.3

Medical Statistics Made Easy, the perennial bestseller in its field, is a book of key statistics principles for anyone studying or working in medicine and healthcare who needs a basic overview of the subject.









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