Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Staff Loans: Please Renew or Return

All library items issued to LSTM Staff which are due back on 30th June 2014 must be returned or renewed by the end of June. Items not returned or renewed by 1st July will accrue fines

You don't have to bring in items you wish to renew anymore, only the items you've finished with (please return items from the Harold Cohen or Sydney Jones libraries at the University to Liverpool, to those libraries not to us).

Please take some time to review your loans, and return any items you no longer need so that other library users may borrow them.

Books/Journals will be renewed to 30th June 2015 (unless they're short-loans).

Please bring your University of Liverpool ID card (the one with the barcode) to the issue desk here in the Donald Mason Library at LSTM, along with any LSTM items you've finished with, and we'll do the rest.

(Any queries about this,  contact us at: dmlib@liv.ac.uk or on 0151 705 3221).


Anonymous said...

The staff might be interested in this:


Anonymous said...

WHO publications are now adopting an open access policy and WHO funded research will be available in European Pubmed Central (Europe PMC). More details at:
