Friday, 13 March 2015

A special notice for University of Liverpool library users

To University of Liverpool library users

Due to our recent change to a new library management system please be aware that items may show as available on the University of Liverpool library catalogue but in fact they may be on loan. Whilst the transitional phase continues it is advisable to either check the holdings on our new system at or call in advance to ensure the item is available for loan before visiting the LSTM library.

Our contact details are as follows:

Phone: 0151 705 3221
Twitter: @lstmlibrary

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Expand your horizons. Worldcat is coming from March 2015

WorldCat is coming to LSTM  March 2015

'Every second, WorldCat is searched 22 times' 

  'Every week, 2,000,000 use WorldCat'  

'484 languages represented in WorldCat'

'Holdings of 74,000 libraries'

OCLC Annual Report 2014



WorldCat is the biggest library catalogue in the world. LSTM becomes part of this from March 2015 so you can tap into the resources of thousands of libraries around the world, including the British Library and the Welcome Trust. 

Just as we work globally, we can now search global resources.

Search WorldCat using your preferred device and local resources held in libraries nearest to you, not just LSTM- although results for what we have access to will be listed first. Create lists, add reviews or make recommendations to send to colleagues or share with a larger community.

We may not be able to supply everything that's available on WorldCat itself (it's big!) but core printed resources, and expanding range of e-resources, a document delivery service, and continuing access to the Uni is in place.

FAQs for detailed information are being released over the coming months. Please get in touch for a preview and try it out in advance.

WorldCat Discovery – new Library Catalogue

LSTM Library’s new catalogue WorldCat Discovery goes ‘live’ on 9 March 2015, providing access to all of LSTM's print holdings and selected electronic journals. There will be further integration of e-resources from April onwards. 

Current LSTM students can continue to use University of Liverpool online library resources until September 2015, after which point they will be directed to WorldCat Discovery. 

Staff and students will benefit from enhanced features within the new catalogue, specifically the ability to create lists, write reviews, e-mail recommended reading and locate items at a local, regional and global level.

References can be exported directly from WorldCat Discovery into reference management software and WorldCat’s 300+ million records can be searched using multiple devices. 

A new LSTM document delivery service will be available for one year from 1st August which will be used to supplement LSTM's existing collection. More information to follow.

LSTM staff with associate  membership of the University and PhD students will continue to have access to University of Liverpool library resources after September 2015; however this is subject to review and may change. 

(Next intake of Masters students will have access to the University of Liverpool and other academic libraries under the Sconul link scheme from September 2015*).

To search WorldCat Discovery now, go to:

*LSTM taught Masters students will be able to borrow books from other Sconul member libraries, however the number of items permitted will vary across institutions and may be subject to change. These students will be permitted to borrow a maximum of two books each from the University of Liverpool libraries. 
For information on Sconul:


WorldCat FAQs for LSTM students:

*  How do I access the WorldCat Discovery?
  To search, go to:

This works whether you are at LSTM or not.Although not necessary for searching, logging-on when you start means you can do more with results: reserve items, renew items, create lists and forward them, check your account. You will also need to be logged on if you wish to read online articles from journals we subscribe to. 

* What’s the difference between WorldCat that I find on Google, and WorldCat Discovery?
The major difference is that Discovery has been tailored to list holdings for LSTM results first so it is more convenient if you need to get your hands on an item locally. You can also log into your personal borrower account. 

*  Can I access and use WorldCat overseas?
 Yes. All you need is a web device connected to the internet.   

*  Will I have access to electronic resources via the catalogue? If so, what will these be? 
  Yes – initially this will be for a smaller, more focused range than what the University offers. There will be an A-Z list on WorldCat Discovery. For students already registered with the University, you may continue to use both libraries for e-resources. 

* How does this affect my access to the University libraries?
If you already have a university card you may use the Sydney Jones and Harold Cohen libraries as usual – but remember that we operate separate systems, so your account activity there is exclusive to anything that you may do with your LSTM library membership. 
If you are registered with LSTM only, you will have to apply individually for a Library account with the university. 

* Can I access the University of Liverpool library collection online?
 Yes, search for it on the web.  (Please note: if you are not registered as a member, there will be some restrictions on what you borrow, reserve or download). 

* What exactly can I do with a LSTM Library account?
You can carry out the usual tasks such as borrow items, make a reservation, check out any fines,  you can also mark items in a search result for emailing or exporting into a reference software, and even review items. 


WorldCat FAQs for LSTM Staff:

* Will I have the same level of access to University of Liverpool resources as before?
In the short-term, yes. Please continue to use your existing University card until you are notified otherwise. Should you experience any problems with access to e-journals, please check these hints and tips for accessing e-resources
Remember: any reference to our printed collections will be on WorldCat ONLY from 9th March. There will be a number of additional changes over the next 6 months, such as an LSTM specific Inter-Library loan service (from Aug 2015), and a phased introduction of LSTM e-subscriptions (from Sept 2015).
If you do not have a University card, you can apply individually for a University Associate Card (you may need to speak to HR about this) or you may wish to use the SCONUL Access scheme of which LSTM are now members. 

* What e-resources will I be able to access via the LSTM Library?
From Mar 2015 you can find references to open access titles plus Online Archive papers (Eprints). More resources will gradually be added over the next 6 months. You can of course use whatever becomes available – just bear in mind the range on the LSTM network is more select than that of the University.
We advise you to continue to use the University Library for the fullest access to e-resources until Sept 2015, when the bulk of our e-subscriptions are scheduled to go-live. 

* What are the benefits of using WorldCat?
WorldCat covers 107 H.E. libraries in the UK, including the University of Liverpool and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Internationally it includes the collections of libraries in the Middle East and Africa plus national libraries, such as British Library, Library of Congress. In addition WorldCat covers the holdings of leading medical libraries such as the Wellcome Trust, Nuffield College and National Library of Medicine.
You can access WorldCat using a range of mobile devices and have the ability to locate resources in a library nearest to you. 

* How do I access WorldCat Discovery?
Bookmark this address:

Please note that the Firefox and Chrome browsers will give you the best experience. 

* Can I access and use WorldCat overseas?
Yes, as long as you have internet access and an enabled device 

* What’s the difference between WorldCat and WorldCat Discovery?
WorldCat is a generic site on which you can create an independent account so that you can develop lists of references for public sharing. It combines the records of 74,000 libraries, regardless of geography. If you are simply interested in finding a few references, search this and then see which Library holds it nearest to you on the map. You can then create an account on WorldCat but this is different from your LSTM credentials.

WorldCat Discovery is customised to show the details of LSTM's holdings on which your Staff/Student ID is your account username. LSTM holdings will appear first in search reults with availability and shelf-mark details, once you choose the home library (LSTM) filter. You can also access your borrower account through Discovery, change your password, check your loans, reservations, and fines.

Any questions please email:

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Accessing e-resources at LSTM

Whilst LSTM is mid-way in its migration from the University of Liverpool access to electronic resources is still through the University of Liverpool Library website. This route allows the link resolver to recognise you as an authorised user and will provide access. Trying to reach a resource through google will not work.

to access guide showing how to do this click here: 
(if you're not already logged in, you'll need to enter your Office 365 username & password to view this document)

if you need any help or have any questions,
please contact any of the Library Team